Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What "Packing Light" Entails, Personally

I read a thread over at Fodor's Travel Forum about someone whose idea of packing light was to take older clothes intended to be tossed or donated, in order to end up with an empty bag for souvenirs on the return.

That is NOT my idea of packing light.

1) Taking older clothes intended to be tossed does not jive with my plans to not look like a fool.
2) You're actually packing HEAVY that way - both on the outbound and the return.

Packing light means:

- Taking very few pieces of clothing that one will look good in, can be mixed and matched, and are appropriate for the culture/weather.
- Being prepared to do laundry while travelling
- Leaving all the "might need" things behind
- Being choosy about buying souvenirs at the destination

As I've discussed in my first post, 15 pounds or less including the bag is my goal. That'll be the goal for both Montreal/NYC in September, and China in October. China in October might get chilly and we'll be staying in a number of different cities but I'm confident my September packing list for Montreal/NYC will work with little to no modification.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I could never "just toss" my clothes. If I'm willing to wear it around it public, then it's not toss-worthy. Why would you want to go around wearing clothes that you don't like? Out of self-respect, you should always want to look presentable, IMO, and that means wearing clothes that you feel good in. Anyway, that's just how I see it :-)
