Wearing the Same Thing Day After Day
Your pictures know. About ten plus years ago we really committed to the the one bag. But my wife's chief concern was being seen in the same clothes all the time especially in pictures. About a hundred pictures were mounted in an album (just prior to the digital age). After friends and relatives had viewed the album, I always asked the same question, "Did you notice anything odd or unusual about our pictures?" Of course, the answer was always no. "We are wearing the same clothes in nearly all of the pictures." "I didn't notice." End of discussion and she has never raised the objection of being seen in the same outfit day after day.
Denver, CO USA 01/11/2010
I admit, this was something I thought about a lot. Sure, no one but your travel companions will notice but those PICTURES, the horror!
Then I realized that such worries were:
1) Unfounded because I will actually have more than 1 set of clothing to change into, and
2) Entirely modern-age, first-world problems.
I also read this article from A Suitable Wardrobe: Packing Light for Business, but what struck me in particular was the image that accompanied it:
I was reminded that travelling heavy is a modern disease, brought about by too many supposed "necessities."
I love it! Just bring along a few choice pieces that look great and wear them all the time!