Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Needs vs. Wants

Let's begin with basic definitions: If I need something, I would suffer considerable hardship, and/or death/injury without it. If I want something, I would be unhappy without it, but would get over it in time.

Do I need to have that Quarter Pounder with Cheese, or would the McDouble from the Dollar Menu suffice in its stead to satisfy my hunger and nutritional requirements?

A new restaurant/movie/video game/bestseller has hit the scene. Do I need to check it out? Is it my job to do so?

I have 5 random chairs floating around in my apartment that I salvaged from departing neighbors. Do they need to be taking up valuable space? How many guests do I normally entertain?

After an invigorating workout, I pass by a smoothie bar and it immediately strikes me how refreshing one would be... But do I need one?

Do I need to bring that laptop on the trip? Am I expecting to do work while traveling? Can I not just pop into a local internet cafe, or the hotel business center?

Getting to work or school, do I need to drive? It it possible to carpool, take a bus, bike, or walk instead?

Although, I wouldn't shun all wants. I just need to realistically assess whether I am in a place where all my needs are in fact taken care of, before considering how much a want would benefit me emotionally/mentally - and then prioritize those wants accordingly.

**Physical health is a need.

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